Prospects for the development of the EPC market. News Prospects for the development of the EPC market. The next edition of the Solarplaza Summit Poland 2023 conference in Warsaw saw a few…proxaMay 11, 2023
Solartech at SolarPlazaSummit Poland – talks about the future of PV farms in Poland. News Solartech at SolarPlazaSummit Poland – talks about the future of PV farms in Poland. On May 9, 2023, the third edition of the SolarplazaSummit Poland industry conference will take…proxaMay 8, 2023
Solartech and CLARITAS Investments will jointly develop energy storage projects in Poland. News Solartech and CLARITAS Investments will jointly develop energy storage projects in Poland. The Polish photovoltaic farm developer Solartech has entered into a partnership with CLARITASInvestments, a Dutch…proxaMarch 1, 2023
Investment in PV Jeziórko supports the potential of companies in Podkarpackie Voivodeship. News Investment in PV Jeziórko supports the potential of companies in Podkarpackie Voivodeship. Construction of one of the largest photovoltaic farms in Poland - PV Jeziórko - started…proxaDecember 22, 2022